Business and Personal web pages from Germany Search result

Bayernzelt Bremen

Bayernzelt Bremen

Theodor-Heuss-Allee 12, Bremen ,
Reservierungen: Impressum für mobile Endgeräte: Bayernfesthalle Nord Hölzgen-Traber UG & Co KG Hillmannplatz 11 28195 Bremen Deutschland Faxnummer: 03212 / 138 29 78 Steuernummer: 72/506/01500 Handelsregister: HRA 26103 HB Geschäftsführerin: Diana Traber Unsere Datenschutzbestimmungen können Sie in einem Webfähigen Internetbrowser unter einsehen. Konzept, Umsetzung & Redaktion Social Media: Timo Bahr -
AAA Bremen

AAA Bremen

Hansator 1, Bremen ,
Das Autonome Architektur Atelier (AAA) The Autonomous Architecture Atelier AAA is based in the harbour area Bremer Überseestadt since 2008, yet it came into existance already 2006, founded by Daniel Schnier, Alexander Kutsch and Oliver Hasemann. AAA explores and communicates public spaces in and around Bremen, Northern Germany, and is currently run by Schnier and Hasemann. The practice of AAA revolves around the transmission of processes related to urban development, where the connection between man and place - the inhabitant and the city is the main focus. AAA helps to ‘read’ the ciy, to understand and appreciate urban contrasts by allowing for new experiences and experiments. AAA focuses on urban areas away from conventional use and attention. Using methods such as creating and staging events, those forgotten areas suddenly get a temporary, yet new meaning and return to the consideration of the public and the local population. The work of AAA consists of urban strolls and guided tours, where areas of urban renewal and suburban environments are of major interest. Important is an open dialogue with the group participants, where the actual spaces are being discussed and observed. By putting public places on a critical display, the AAA aims at moments of provocaton and even irritation, yet they challenge a new interpretation - forgotten and abandoned spaces should return into people’s perception of their surroundings. AAA is an active mediator on allocating disused spaces and buildings to possible user groups. Since September 2009, the AAA (together with Sarah Oßwald and Michael Ziehl), assist the Senators for Economy and Harbours, the Senators for Environment, Construction, Traffic and Europe, and the Senator for Finances as project leader of the pilotprojects of the National Urban Planning Politics, and the Federal Institute for Construction-, City and Space Reasearch. AAA Bremen, Germany
Tattoo Show Bremen

Tattoo Show Bremen

Gröpelinger Fährweg 6, Bremen ,
International Tattoo Show Bremen - Germany -Artists from all over the world, Piercing, Body Mod., -Contests, Shows, Live Bands -Drinks, Food, Trader and many many more