Business and Personal web pages from Germany Search result

ORSC Germany

ORSC Germany

Georg-Zorn-Str. 37, Fürth ,
What is ORSC™? Organization & Relationship Systems Coaching™ consists of a hands-on coaching model, aiming to understand and implement social competencies. It is based on Relationship Systems Intelligence™. Beyond Emotional Intelligence (relationship with oneself and emotional self management) and Social Intelligence (relationship with others and clear understanding of others' emotions) is the realm of Realtionship Systems Intelligence where one interprets his or herself through connections and interactions with the entire group or system. This approach creates sustainable and resilient teams, organizations, families. How does ORSC™ work? Groups, teams and organizations consist of individuals but their collective is more complex than the sum of its parts. People who are working and living together, consciously and unconsciously create system dynamics, corporate cultures, collective consciousness. ORSC refers to that which lives outside the individuals as The Third Entity™ and makes it the client in the coaching process. This paradigm shift opens up a whole new world of opportunities to one-on-one coaches, consultants, mediators and trainers, because what they've already learnt and used in their work is even more effective when coupled with ORSC principles. Training Methods The ORSC training delivers skills, competencies and the essential confidence in professionally coaching all types of relationships. ORSC pioneers a breakthrough integrative model that introduces a Unified Field Theory derived from Co-Active Coaching™, Systems Theory, Process Work, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Quantum Physics and Taoism. The training delivers an experiential approach: Using a combination of scenarios and live material, participants receive hands-on training in the use of cutting edge systems technology to practice in a variety of market niches. Each workshop is led by two trainers, who are highly experienced performers and accredited coaches (by ICF and CRRGlobal) themselves. This assures personal attention toward every student. Besides there is a dynamic, creative synergy that emerges from the interplay of two co-leaders, that is greater than the sum of what separate leaders could accomplish individually. The leaders and the students are supported by at least two assistants, who have completed the courses themselves.
Prezi Akademie

Prezi Akademie

Kurgartenstraße 47, Fürth ,
Zum Impressum: aha! TALENTEXPERTS GmbH Consulting – Training – Coaching Agentur des BBDO Worldwide Network Großweidenmühlstraße 36 90419 Nürnberg Geschäftsführer: Harald Sontowski, Christoph Thieme Tel: +49(0)911.9339.6129 Fax: +49.(0)911.9339.5200 E-Mail: Internet: Registergericht: Nürnberg Registernummer: HRB 27431 Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer gemäß § 27a Umsatzsteuerg.: DE 276 500 368 Haftungshinweis: Trotz sorgfältiger inhaltlicher Kontrolle übernehmen wir keine Haftung für die Inhalte externer Links. Für den Inhalt der verlinkten Seiten sind ausschließlich deren Betreiber verantwortlich.
Blitzer & Radarfallen in Nürnberg, Fürth & Erlangen

Blitzer & Radarfallen in Nürnberg, Fürth & Erlangen

Schwabacher Str. 36, Fürth ,
Hier kann jeder aktuelle mobile Blitzer oder sogenannte Starenkästen melden oder wieder ENTWARNUNG geben. Das Mitteilen von Messeinrichtungen ist gesetzlich nicht verboten! Postet doch einfach mit eurem Handy eine kurze Nachricht oder ladet ein Foto auf die Facebook - Seite um auch andere zu warnen. Bitte fahrt dennoch stets nach Vorschrift. Diese Informationen soll dem Leser aufzeigen, dass er jederzeit damit rechnen muß überwacht zu werden und mit einer Strafe für den Fall rechnen muß, dass er die zulässige Höchstgeschwindigkeit überschritten hat.
Norddeutsche/Süddeutsche Massageschule Bremen/Erlangen/Fürth

Norddeutsche/Süddeutsche Massageschule Bremen/Erlangen/Fürth

Königstraße 90, Fürth ,
Impressum Inhaltlich verantwortlicher Betreiber dieser Website: Süddeutsche Massageschule Königstraße 90 90762 Fürth Inhaber: Horst Vollweiter Steuer-Nr. 218/283/81102 Fon 0911-93 76 764 Fax 0911-93 76 241